Learning Mentor Team
Please click on the below thumbnails to enlarge.
Support Services Available to Parents and Families During Summer
The following services will also be able to provide support should families need it;
- Emergency Duty Team, Social care - 0113 3760469 or 0113 3760336 (daytime service)
- Mindmate SPA (mental health support for young people) – 0300 5550324
- Childline - 0800 1111 (Freephone)
- Accident & Emergency at Leeds General Infirmary
- Call police on 999 in an emergency, or 101 for non emergencies
- NHS helpline - 111
- National Domestic Violence Helpline – 0808 2000247 (24 hours a day – free phone)
- Leeds Domestic Violence Service – 0113 2460401
- Samaritans – 116 123 (24 hours a day, 365 days a year)
- Connect Helpline (emotional support) - 0808 8001212 (6pm-2am)
- CAMHS crisis helpline – 0800 9530505 (8am-8pm)
- Leeds Food Aid Network: https://leedsfoodaidnetwork.co.uk/
- Trussell Trust Food Bank: 0113 2772229 (via cluster or supporting professional who can refer) https://leedssouthandeast.foodbank.org.uk/
- St Vincents Food Bank: 0113 2484126 (via cluster or supporting professional who can refer) https://www.svp.org.uk/microsite/st-vincents-leeds
- Family Action – Family Line: 0808 802 6666/ 07537 404282 (text) / https://www.family-action.org.uk/what-we-do/children-families/families-together-leeds/
- Welfare support: 0113 3760330 Emergency help with essentials such as food, gas and electric / https://www.leeds.gov.uk/benefits/help-with-food-and-bills
- Leeds Housing Options: 0113 222 4412 Emergency out of hours 0113 378 8366 housing.options@leeds.gov.uk
Or you can visit the following relevant websites or Apps:
https://www.mindmate.org.uk/ - services, resources and support for young people and families
https://www.lslcs.org.uk/services/connect-helpline/teen-connect/ - emotional well being support for young people
www.themarketplaceleeds.org.uk - emotional wellbeing support for young people
https://ldvs.uk/ - domestic abuse support
www.kooth.com – emotional well being support for young people
https://www.ceop.police.uk/safety-centre/ - online safety
SHOUT – Text 85285 for support around emotional well being
Calm Harm App
Headspace App
We wish you all a safe and happy summer break.
The Morley Cluster Team